Old Kebili: The Unfinished Housing Project
The need for refuge, shelter and stability are among the major needs that drive man to build a house in which to live. The construction of a house requires...
The need for refuge, shelter and stability are among the major needs that drive man to build a house in which to live. The construction of a house requires...
According to Luis del Marmol Carvajal, (Granada, Spain, 1520), the word Tichit is derived from ‘Ti’, which means earth, and ‘Chitu’,...
At each stage, the continuous movement of history and life - which are influenced by political, economic and social realities – results in new values,...
For centuries, Bahrain has been able, through its location between the East and the West and its cultural proximity to India, Africa and Persia, to act as a...
At each stage, the continuous movement of history and life - which are influenced by political, economic and social realities – results in new values,...
Proverbs are an important component of folk literature; they reflect people’s traits, customs and beliefs, and describe many aspects of life, offering...
This paper is based on a chapter of the writer’s PhD dissertation on exploring the use of folk literature in...
According to Luis del Marmol Carvajal, (Granada, Spain, 1520), the word Tichit is derived from ‘Ti’, which means earth, and ‘Chitu’,...
In contrast to the diatonic scale, the pentatonic scale is formed of five notes: Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La (then Do flat). Although it has twooctaves less than the...
Interest in folkdance in Egypt is influenced by the general interest in other folk arts. Folk arts are currently receiving increasing attention as a result of...
The need for refuge, shelter and stability are among the major needs that drive man to build a house in which to live. The construction of a house requires...