A quarterly specialized journal
The Message Of Folklore from Bahrain To The World
Read in this Issue
The Biography of the Bani Hilal in Oral and Written Traditions

Many researchers insist on distinguishing between myths and tales. However, one should differentiate between three concepts, although they are sometimes...

Leadership in Moroccan Oral Poetry: The Example of Abdiyah Ayta

In the Asifi region, ‘Abdiyah Ayta’ is an important element of folk culture in the Kingdom of Morocco. Researchers who study history, politics,...

Marriage Customs and Traditions of the Past in the UAE

Folk customs and traditions give a more holistic view of a community’s life by adding elegance and authenticity. The human essence reveals itself through...

An Institute for Heritage in the Arabian Gulf: One Way to Honour Our Culture and Serve Our People

Kuwait has made significant contributions to the arts and music; it is at the forefront of the artistic movement in the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula....

Traditional Carpentry and Ancient Doors in the Nafzawa District

A district in southeast Tunisia, Nafzawa is in Qibli province, which is divided into northern and southern regions. A vast area of the northern region is...

Marriage Customs and Traditions of the Past in the UAE

Folk customs and traditions give a more holistic view of a community’s life by adding elegance and authenticity. The human essence reveals itself through...

The Biography of the Bani Hilal in Oral and Written Traditions

Many researchers insist on distinguishing between myths and tales. However, one should differentiate between three concepts, although they are sometimes...

The Imaginary in the Moroccan Jewish folktale: The Story of Yusuf (May peace be upon him)

The folktale highlights aspects that play an important role in making events, values, and noble goals interesting to readers. It is one of the oldest genres of...

Leadership in Moroccan Oral Poetry: The Example of Abdiyah Ayta

In the Asifi region, ‘Abdiyah Ayta’ is an important element of folk culture in the Kingdom of Morocco. Researchers who study history, politics,...

Algerian Folk Poetry: A Study of the Concept and Its Evolution, and Renowned Poets

Folk literature is very important to studies of national identity and cultural, social and intellectual values. Folk literature is one of the most important...

Zar in Sudan: Folk Psychotherapy

This study describes the role of practitioners of traditional medicine in Sudan, including herbalists, people who treat fractures (Al Basir), cupping...

Memory and Intangible Cultural Heritage

As the title suggests, this study is about memory, a human characteristic. The paper will also address heritage, particularly intangible cultural heritage,...

Visual Culture and Its Influence on Elements of Folk Culture

Visual culture plays an important role in enriching culture. By decoding images, their meanings and their indications, we were given a tremendous opportunity...

The Impact of Desert and City Cultures on the Traditional Sadu Craft and Products in Kuwait 

Textiles and their raw materials and artistic elements and designs can offer us insights into the textile-makers’ knowledge, expertise, and...

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