Marriage, pregnancy and birth traditions in Nubian communities
Issue 65

Zaynab Abdul Tawab Riyadh. Egypt
In addition to carrying out a multitude of other tasks, women, particularly in more rural areas, are responsible for passing on the cultural practices and traditions that distinguish a community to the next generation.
Culture, which is essentially human creation, is essential to the foundation and continuation of civilisation. Cultural anthropologists believe that "culture is responsible for a great deal of the characteristics and beliefs of any personality, as well as for highlighting certain interests or goals of one's personality."
All human communities, from the most rudimentary to the most advanced, rely on women. The advancement and success of these cultures are largely attributable to the significant roles played by women in numerous aspects of life. Regardless of the variation in their positions and the differences in their tasks based on their environment, they remain a crucial aspect of society's structure. This has been true throughout human history, regardless of where we live.
Throughout history, women in Africa have played a distinctive role in society. This has been especially true for Nubian women. Her status, which is of great importance, demonstrates the ancient Egyptian woman's originality and creativity. When considering the Nubian woman's distinguished position throughout history, this becomes very obvious.
Nubian women are culturally significant figures who are very prominent in all spheres of life. Many look to them as the backbone of the cultural legacy that has been handed down through the ages.
Cultural influences have helped Nubian women develop into powerful, self-reliant individuals. A rich culture has been handed down through the generations to these women. Everything from art and music to dance, cuisine and religion is an integral part of Nubian culture. All of these things contribute to the distinctive Nubian personality.
There are many different strands that make up folk culture. Art, music, dancing, cuisine, and religion are all part of it, along with other tangible and intangible components. All of these parts work together and rely on one another. Collectively, they give each culture its own distinct character.