Forgotten lullabies of the Tunisian city of Monastir: A documentary music study
Issue 65

Muhammad Al-Duraidi. Tunisia
All communities, irrespective of their history or level of development, have singing as an integral part of their musical tradition.
This is due to the fact that such art captures the emotional and social context of the past, which is a big reason that it is so well loved.
Musical legacy is a representation of human expression that conveys the tale of people's lives, circumstances and emotions through many centuries.
A song's ability to linger in people's minds long after they have heard it may stem from its simplicity, its lovely melody, or the energy it conveys. Thus, songs have been held in high esteem by different generations, and their legacy persists until the present day.
Despite their significance in Tunisian society, the music for the first stage of childhood, which is called lullabies or "tarbij" songs in the Tunisian dialect, is either overlooked or understudied in anthropological academic studies, with the exception of a few musicological studies conducted by ethnomusicologists. This is despite the fact that these songs are associated with the developmental period of a person's life, and they play a significant role in moulding and developing the personality.
During an early age, a person's mind and emotions undergo a process of restructuring as he or she becomes ready to face the challenges of life. During this time, we see a number of changes that indicate that our minds are developing, and we also start to show signs of the creative aspect of our personalities.
The arts unquestionably have a significant and valuable influence on human beings. Music is a means of entertainment and relaxation, and it works to promote emotional participation.
Because it is a means of enhancing emotions and relaxing the senses through the perception of aesthetic harmony in musical masterpieces, it serves an essential educational function.
The lullaby is the focus of this research because it is an art with the power to influence people, stirring up latent sentiments and emotions while bringing them joy and solace.
Research shows that these tunes are associated with people, especially children, and that they can influence how they act.
A child's spiritual development, taste, sensitivity and emotional engagement with their environment are all enhanced by listening to lullabies, which also chart the path for the child's future. The bond between children and lullabies is obvious as these songs are imaginative creations that enhance the child's taste, develop his abilities and shape his character.
As a result, a child's innate preference for the most beautiful melodies and eagerness to listen to sounds that contrast with the coarseness, harshness and deformity of nature and language are apparent.
Through nurturing children's inner selves and providing them with educational experiences, we may help them experience a joyful and prosperous future.