IOV Journal From Bahrain to the world
Issue 30

Ali Abdulla Khalifa
The reader will find attached a complimentary issue of the IOV Journal, a refereed English-language scientific journal that will be distributed with the Folk Culture Journal.
The IOV Journal is managed and edited by the International Organization of Folk Art (IOV) member scholars and folklorists under the leadership of Bulgarian scholar Mila Santova, IOV’s Vice President for Research.
The Kingdom of Bahrain was selected as the headquarters for printing the IOV Journal because of Bahrain’s location between the East and the West, the Kingdom’s emphasis on culture, and because writers from around the world are drawn to Bahrain’s openness.
Over the years, Bahrain’s printing industry has excelled by attracting investment, which led to the industry’s development and the use of the most up-to-date technology and attracted skilled labour. These advancements have made the Kingdom a hub for printing, which is another reason the IOV Journal chose to operate from Bahrain.
The IOV Journal was one of the dreams of late IOV Founder Alexander Veigl.
The Folk Culture Journal would like to congratulate the IOV, its members and its Editorial Board for this noteworthy achievement. We hope that the IOV Journal will be a great success.