Satellite channels and their effect on folk culture
Issue 30

Maryam Hamzah
Our aim is not to discuss the dangers of satellite channels; we are not attempting to have these channels closed down or denying that they represent a technological breakthrough that benefits individuals and groups. Our goal is to understand how we can benefit from this medium without a negative impact on our values, principles and folk culture.
We do not intend for our contemporary folk culture to replicate the culture of our ancestors, because each generation is different and communication, science and culture evolve constantly.
Generations differ with regards to means and methods; our forefathers used books to educate themselves, improve their awareness, develop their personalities, and explore the world around them. As the generation of satellite channels, the Internet and other technology, our children have many ways and means to acquire knowledge.
We must take into consideration the differences among generations and changing conditions, lifestyle needs and awareness levels, and the need to keep up with the latest technology and to be responsible.
No single party is responsible for today’s levels of time-wasting, unproductive activities, and obsession with visual media and the frivolous. It is an issue of education and guidance, and several parties should work together to create generations equipped with science and knowledge who can help the nation progress, otherwise society will deteriorate and disintegrate.
If the problem is basically one of education, the family bears the greatest responsibility because it serves as an example for the children. How can we ask children not to do what their fathers are doing? How can we ask them not to listen to the media when they are connected to it all the time, and disconnected from their families? Is it not time for families to be aware of the dangers surrounding their children, the dangers to their children’s values, thoughts and academic and cultural futures? Is it not time for the family to wake up and take responsibility for guiding children, by advising them on right and wrong and on what is useful, by teaching them how to organise and benefit from their free time? Parents must start with themselves, so that good habits prevail.